Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dead elephants, kids say the darndest things, and my day isn't cheesy enough

8 am: I awake to my cellular module alarm. Lie in my sleepyness for what seemed like 5 minutes but was really 15.
8:15 am: wake my stinky snoring roommate who sleeps under my bed like the boogey man. I start to think about what to wear...UNTIL...
8:27 am: ADD moment. I sit on the couch, stare into the great unknown, pour a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch, eat 2 bites, give the rest to my bff B who has arrived early. sit on the couch again.
8:40 am: I decide what to wear. Jeans, white t-shirt, boy scout uniform shirt, holy moccasins. Put my hairs in pig tails.
9:03 am: Head out to the zoo.

There is only one purpose in going to the see the ELEPHANTS!!!
Of course B, who volunteers at the zoo, had to play tour guide, and show me every other kind of animal first leaving me short elephant time. Although, we did see other animals I was slightly interested in, such as the rhinos (But, this was because I made my first theatrical debut in A Midsummer's Night Dream as a smoldering rhino wall), I was very perturbed at the notion that the great majestically trunked animals were last on the list.
One of the most interesting creatures we came across was a jr. look alike to my ginger headed roommate Cassi. Cassi is a very unique individual with rituals and mannerisms that are exclusive to only her, until we came face to face with Cassi mini-me. She had the exact hip swaying step in her walk, the glasses, wedgie picking, purple rectangle framed glasses, and carried a journal in her bag. It was the most fascinating thing I came in contact with all day! I kind wanted to put her in my pocket and bring her home.
finally we reached the African animals and there in the distance was Reba, a massively beautiful Elephant lying dead in the dirt...ok...she wasn't dead, but she might as well have been, because she wasn't doing anything. I was severely distressed and disappointed and wanted a Slurpee.
We saw some more stupid animals, and head home so i could get ready for work.

12 pm: As You Wish Pottery- The greatest job i have ever had! Anyone who knows anything about me knows that there are 3 things I hate in this universe 1) most animals 2) Babies/ kids 3)work in any form. I hardly consider my job work. I get paid to use my creativity and teach others to use theres. Most of the peoples who come in to paint pottery are under the age of 10, and they are the smartest most interesting homosapians on this planet.
Today for instance: An Asian girl painting a bowl came up to me and said that this was the 4th time she had come into paint. she was making a set of bowls, one bowl designated to a type of breakfast cereal she ate. That's my kind of kid, plus she was Asian. OCD and Asian, the best kind of genetic combination. I would like to adopt her.

4 pm - 7:30pm: Nothing worth mentioning happened, jut some vegging and more OCD moments.

8pm: pool party at some stranger's house, I went for the free food, which was disappointing. Anyway, there was this pretty attractive male who kept hitting on me and alluding that he wanted me to go home with him. After several attempts for me to catch on, he finally came out and and just said, "so, do you wanna come home with me?" Conveniently, I had just read Chelsea Handlers book, My Horizontal Life, which taught me how to turn a BOY down. Notice how I emphasize boy. Although he was 3 years my senior and very hot, his social interactions were that of a high school jock. I was like, "listen, there are plenty of other guys here that wanna take me home, and you aren't on the top of the list. If you want to climb that ladder, your gonna have to do something amazing." That was the end of that. It was the cherry on top of my sundae!

1 comment:

  1. You had me laughing from beginning to end. Turning the boy down at the end was especially funny! I have got to remember to read your blog more often.
